• I'm Using Chrome For Mac


    If you haven't used much before, they do a pretty good job of simulating smaller apps in their own dedicated window. Chrome needs to be running for the app to work, but they otherwise feel separate from the browser and are often almost indistinguishable from a native app. (I use Chrome apps for things like Google Keep, Hangouts and Wunderlist on my Mac from time to time, for example.) The phase-out plan for Chrome apps calls for newly-published apps to only be available to Chrome OS starting at the end of 2016. By mid-2017, the Chrome app store won't show apps to Mac, Windows or Linux users anymore (though extensions will still be available), and in early 2018 Chrome apps won't function at all on those platforms. That gives users plenty of time to find alternatives and for developers to build standard web apps for their services. And Google says that one percent of users on Mac, Windows and Linux use Chrome's 'packaged' apps.

    There's another type of Chrome apps, hosted apps, that Google says are already implemented as standard web apps. Netflix is a good example: It's available in the Chrome app store for multiple platforms, but it just opens the Netflix site in a new browser tab. It's little more than a glorified bookmark.

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    • Sep 23, 2018 - This blog is mainly reserved for cryptography, and I try to avoid filling it with random 'someone is wrong on the Internet' posts. After all, that's.

    While some users might be annoyed by this change, it doesn't sound like Chrome will lose much in the way of functionality, and the long runway for shutting down the platform means users will easily be able to adjust their workflows. And Google's push towards web standards means it's already been encouraging developers to build services that are browser-agnostic. The slow discontinuation of Chrome apps is just another part of that goal.

    It definitely feels faster In my limited usage, it feels like Safari is quicker to load pages, is less likely to lag, and my whole computer just feels a little lighter. I no longer have Google Chrome Helper — a for rogue Chrome extensions and plug-ins — hogging the majority of my CPU cycles, either. Other people are backing up my anecdotal evidence with benchmarks. companyApple/company that Safari beats Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on several JavaScript performance benchmarks including JSBench and Apple’s new JetStream test. Stephen Shankland at CNET ran a few benchmarks of his own that with Apple’s findings. The one claim I’m a little more dubious about is that Safari provides longer battery life for MacBook laptops.

    I haven’t noticed a bump in battery life, but that might be because I usually have a lot of tabs up at once, including ones that are using Adobe Flash, like Spotify’s web client. It’s nice that Safari natively supports Netflix and no longer requires you to install a plug-in. It’s also worth noting that Safari runs in 64-bit mode and the stable version of Chrome on OS X is currently is 32-bit, although that doesn’t make a huge difference to the end user.

    Apple’s ecosystem pull is stronger than ever for iPhone users Although there’s a great mobile Chrome app for iOS devices, I’ve tended to stick with Safari because it’s been faster. Changes in iOS 8 WebKit allow Chrome and other browsers to use, but Safari is still my choice because it’s the default — I like that it’s the browser that other apps choose (are forced to) to open pages in. And Safari has largely caught up with Chrome in terms of browser sync features. The new feature is a very easy way to send a tab from your phone to your desktop, and iCloud can sync bookmarks, history, tabs and Apple’s read-later service Reading List. Asus mw221u drivers for macbook pro. I also started using iCloud Keychain as my primary way of saving passwords, and I’m finding its password and credit card autofill feature to be surprisingly good on mobile, and I feel that it’s a little more secure than Chrome’s way of storing passwords, which. I particularly like that iCloud Keychain requires an iOS device to have a passcode. The new tab page is nearly perfect I’m a big fan of Safari’s new tab page, specifically the favorites view.

    You get big, clickable buttons for the very few websites you designate as a “favorite” — like a Bookmarks bar — and below that, buttons for frequently viewed websites. You can easily drag a frequently viewed page into favorites. Your “Favorites” sync with Safari on iOS, and I’ve found it to be the most convenient way to get around many of the, namely that nobody uses them. Chrome has a similar feature, but the way Safari syncs a small amount of core bookmarks is very elegant. The left sidebar is surprisingly useful. Check the file size on your hard drive for mac. Reading List is a very lightweight way to save a webpage to read later, which is appreciated after years of services like Instapaper and Pocket adding more features I don’t necessarily want. Although heavy Twitter users might find the list of shared links from your timeline superfluous, I thought it was a good way to find something to read before starting the aimless browsing that Twitter can encourage.

    In contrast, Chrome’s new tab page has a Google search bar (redundant because there’s one at the top of your browser) and eight recently used webpages, but instead of favicon Google has opted for screen previews, which don’t really add any useful information and look kind of junky. Native OS X notifications are elegant Notifications on OS X has improved a lot in OS X Yosemite, thanks to a growing importance for calling features part of Continuity. Safari works with the Mac’s native notifications, as opposed to Chrome which has its own notifications system, which is the bell in your notifications bar.

    I Use Chrome For Mac

    Aesthetically, I prefer Apple’s notifications. I even found that I liked the Safari push notifications from individual sites.

    While there are some high-volume sites that will ping you several times an hour, there are many sites — including Gigaom — which only push notifications for stories that they think are important. There’s a chance I may switch back to Chrome. Here’s why Chrome is vastly superior at tab management. Safari doesn’t provide favicons in its tabs, which makes it easy to lose a page you need for reference. In addition, because of Chrome’s other life as a complete operating system, it handles web pages much better as apps. The pin tab feature is indispensable for the way I work, and really is perfect for Gmail or Calendar tabs.

    I also missed a little bit of the Google integration, like the ability to left click and search by image, or automatic translation. Although the way Safari presents tabs can promote focus, the fact is, if you’re a heavy browser user, the way Chrome handles background tabs is superior and better reflects the importance of web apps in many people’s workflow. But if you’re written off Safari in the past, it’s time to give it another try. Mark Fleming It is so crazy that Safari does not have the ability to Pin a tab. People can talk about all the other cool tab functions, but not being able to pin a tab for me is a deal breaker, the way I use a browser.

    I wonder why there is no extension for this. The other problem I have is that I cannot have distinct user sessions. Chrome lets me do this. Without this, I cannot run everything I need as I have cookie problems.

    I’m trying real hard to find a way to use Safari, because using Chrome (even 64-bit Canary) is killing my battery. PitBullCH I was a Firefox user on Windows for many years (IE was and still is awful) and this carried through with my switch to Mac in early 2008 – however Firefox performance got slower and slower and I gave up, switched to Safari for a year or three before switching to Chrome for the past few years as it was generally much faster and had more extensions available. I have generally been happy with Chrome – except it too seems slower than it used to be, plus it keeps switching Google notifications back on, and recent releases have taken to installing extensions for the various Google docs without asking. On top of that, the 64-bit (albeit still beta) release is quite buggy and prone to crashing. So I took another look at Safari on Yosemite – admittedly prompted by this article – and you know: it’s ok so far. It is slower than Chrome on startup, but after that they seem comparable.


    Not all my Chrome extensions were available (e.g. Privacy badger, https everywhere) but by and large I found replacements for most of these. I miss the favicons (Glim is not yet updated for Yosemite/Safari 8 and the current version installs but does not work), but I do like the favourites page (there was something similar on Chrome – SpeedDial perhaps). So given the performance, suitable extensions, great integration with IOS, and further freedom from the increasingly evil Google, I’ll be sticking with Safari for a while.

    Thanks for the article which prompted this switch:-). Ganesan The biggest reason why I switched from Safari is the lack of support for Profiles. I like to have a work profile and a personal profile in my browsers and while Chrome supports it smoothly (and firefox with some work), Apple flat out refuses to add any kind of profile support for Safari. Though I do switch between Mac and Linux, syncing profiles is not as big a deal as compared to supporting them in the first place. In fact I use Chrome on Mac OS X and Firefox on Linux just to avoid monoculture:-).

    James Reyes I went through a similar experience. As an iPhone and Mac user, Safari’s big draw is the iCloud syncing. I’ll often start an article or something on my phone and finish on my Mac. However, Chrome remains my default browser. It’s just better for the way I work.

    Pinned tabs are indispensable. One other thing that has become indispensable to me is the ability to highlight and drag text or links into a new tab. I also like the developer tools in Chrome a lot better.

    I'm Using Chrome For Mac Windows 10

    I was hoping the Yosemite upgrade would work better for me (the UI is nicer), and I gave it a shot for a week, but ended up back to Chrome. I’m rooting for Safari. If Safari solved these problems, I’d default to Safari.


    Peter Ghosh Since Mavericks, I’ve definitely noticed improved battery life thanks to app nap when using Safari. Safari also does a better job putting flash-based ads to sleep when you’re not in that active tab.

    With Yosemite, overall browser speed finally caught up so that it is “good enough”. Firefox64 still seems faster but my basic extensions (Evernote, lastpass, pocket, and one or two others) still seem to needlessly waste cpu cycles. With my mid-2013 (Haswell) MacBook Air running Mavericks, I got 6-8 hours of use in a typical workday (ms office, apple mail, and at least 8 open browser tabs). With Yosemite and the new Safari version, that moved to 7-9 hours of use. Chrome64 (beta) still seems to suffer the same problems as its 32 bit predecessor, so I can’t go back unless I want to carry my AC adapter around again.
